Nanci Kahn
35mm Kodachrome and Ectachrome slides (1979-1994), LED lights,
antique dressmaker’s form, 2021.

The origins of the little black dress go back to Coco Chanel in the 1920’s. It
was ntended to be long-lasting, versatile, affordable, and widely accessible.
Audrey Hepburn wore a “little black dress” in the opening scene of
Breakfast at TIffany’s in 1961. That dress is referred to as one of the most
iconic clothing items in the history of the twentieth century. Its ubiquity is
such that it is referred to as the “LBD” and has morphed with the ever
changing styles of each fashion era to this day.
The LITTLE BLACK DRESS of MEMORIES is comprised of color slides.
Made up of equal parts personal journal, travelogue, and documentary
photographs. It speaks to issues of representation and fashion; memories
and loss; new technologies and old school photographic traditions; and is a
reminder of the spirit of gathering with friends and family during more care
free times when there was not a global pandemic.